Friday 11 October 2024

 Hola estudio en la  universidad de salamanca  

vamos a aprender a usar una imagen sin faltar los derechos de autores y asi no suspendo una praactica ya q no se puede utiizar textos 

autor: Gonzalo Iza 

Saturday 16 November 2019

Friday 14 June 2019

dot: it is the smallest and the most simple element in art expresion. it my have different qualities qualities such as size, shape and color
the dot three dimensional capacity:when the size, shapes and colors and changed the dot can create visual sensations of espacial deepneess and volume 
 the dot expresive capacity : the point has a ulimited capacity to represent images nad two express ideas and emotions 
optical mix: when colors are mixed whith the help of distances. paint isn´t mixed on the palette or on the painting. the optical mix was used firt by the pointillist.
line: the line it can be defined as a dot in moviment. it has a position a direction in the space and one of it principal fundition consists on making the shapes outlines. 

Color:is a element of visual langue. it is a light impresion that arrives to the eyes wich send the information
pigment:is the sustance that make materials focr point and the origin can be mineral, animal and vegetal